Author Ron Elsdon, author of “Business Behaving Well” gave us an overview of corporate social responsibility and the benefits to society. He tied back the four-way test, as well as the numerous projects our club is involved in, as part of his discussion. Ron was kind enough to donate a copy of his book for our raffle winner.
Today was also a day for good news! Three “missing” Rotarians were able to make it to the meeting today! Al Browning, Will Harper, and Kevin Schwartz were a in attendance. Al was able to miss the photo, but if you look carefully, you can see his hand at the buffet line behind Will and Kevin.
Jeff also introduced his guest, Wenbo Liu, who is a pharmacist at Sam’s Club, across the street from the Crowne Plaza!
Beri reported that the Carondelet Interact Club was going to be having their club rush on Thursday, September 11th. Because of new rules on who is allowed on campus, and the fact that she just found out about these rules on Tuesday, she will be delivering pop cycles to the officers of the club to entice new members via somewhat clandestine methods.
President Karen chipped in $20 to our charitable foundation to celebrate the official selling of her house! Beri tossed in a couple of bucks because she took Angelina (our exchange student from Poland) to Cost Plus last night and ended up purchasing about $40 worth of European chocolates for Angelina! (Of course, this was after her workout at KIan’s Momentum Fitness) Jeff tossed in a couple of happy bucks because Angelina received her first two grades, both A’s, on a photography assignment. Edi Birsan, tried to get off with a measly $5 for a trip to Italy over the weekend to defend his honor as a Diplomacy Champion. It appears that Edi came in #4 in the world — but he’s #1 in our hearts! Edi told a charming story about meeting a couple from Finland when they noticed he was wearing a Rotary shirt.
You won’t want to miss next week’s Club Assembly – the pot in the drawing is over $280!