At the last meeting at the Crowne Plaza in 2014, President-elect Kian Ameli, with first lady Anna looking proudly on asked club members in attendance what they would like to do during his term.
He expressed his excitement to get the ball rolling in anticipation of ascending the throne in July 2015. Never one to waste time, he plans to meet on July 1st, so he doesn’t miss a beat.
We presented Barbara with a special gratuity in recognition for all the special things she does for us throughout the year. Thanks Barb for everything you do to make our meetings so special!
Turnout was light, with Prez Karen conducting a do-it-yourself sleep deprivation test… so far 36 hours and counting… and Edi Birsan suffering from a bad case of the flu. However, both Lora and Laura were in attendance. Lora S did a great job with the 4-Way Test.
The highlight of the evening was Concord High School’s Ladies First Choral Group. These young women, including Interact Co-President Jessica Daynes, did an exceptional job for us. They sang their hearts out. If you weren’t in the holiday spirit after their performance, there may not be any hope for you. After their performance, Prez Karen presented director Mr. Emigh with a check in the
amount of $250 to support their choral programs.