CLICK HERE to record your chance to win $500! This is a live streaming transmission of the actual container you need to count! Each guess in only $5!
Only from Concord-Diablo Rotary Club can you purchase a ticket for just $5, where you can guess the exact number of Jelly Beans in this container and win $500!
Here’s some quick facts:
- Container is sealed and is filled only with standard sized “Jelly Belly” brand candy.
- Nobody on earth knows the exact number of beans in the container.
- The container, as you see it, weighs approximately 28 pounds / 12.7kg
- Tickets to guess are just $5 US – Winner will be the entry closest to the actual number of beans in the jar, counted on or about June 10, 2015, without going over.
- In the event of a tie, winnings will be split between the correct guesses.
All proceeds benefit the Concord-Diablo Rotary Charitable Fund, a not-for-profit 501c3 organization.