In a shocking move to unseat the Vienna Boys Choir from the next Rotary convention, the club serenaded prez Eric to the theme (sort of) from Underdog. The cartoon series, which was on TV many years before most of the members present were born, had an inspiring beat. This reporter only wishes that he could say the same for the members in attendance…
Larry Sly from the Concord Club was making up… Guests included Russ Anderson, our speaker, and Dave Adler brought Christian Warrell from Recall.
Happy bucks were few and far between… Eric fessed up $20 for his new car… This reporter didn’t remember to write the others down… sorry…
In a second shocking development of the day, which almost knocked our collective socks off – Kevin Schwartz actually ran out of reasons to miss a meeting and was present and accounted for! What’s more, he had even lined up our speaker! All kidding aside, it was great to see you Kevin!
Our speaker, Russ Anderson from Clear Water Vision, talked about the organization’s efforts both abroad in Africa, as well as in California. In California, he talked about their efforts to bring safe drinking water to Native Americans who are living on Clear Lake. The water in the lake (North America’s oldest he said) is polluted from a mercury mine that operated for years on the lake. They are just $100,000 short of their goal to make this a reality. He also cited increased rates of various diseases in the population surrounding the lake.