Earlier this year, Concord High Sports Ticket Booth was the target of arsonists and was burned down. In July, Concord-Diablo Rotary was approached by recent high-school graduate Matthew Ware regarding his Eagle Scout Project, which was to fundraise $3500 for supplies in order to physically rebuild the booth visit . Matthew had tasked himself this project to not only earn his next ranking but to also leave a lasting imprint on his local community before he left for college. Once we heard Matthew’s inspiring story and plan on http://buff-games.com, we were in! We were honored to be part of this group of volunteers and non-profits, who came together to help make Matthew’s vision a reality. As of this month, we are happy to announce that the ticket booth stands tall again and Matthew has been awarded the highly regarded Eagle Scout Rank. Great job Matthew, we wish you the best on your next chapter at UC San Diego!