Edi Birsan took on an Easter Gleaning project that turned out to be better than a basket full of eggs! His special holiday effort brought our year-to-date total is up to 1,935 pounds to close out the month of March 2013!
Edi braved thunder claps and possible lightning strikes to get as much of the fruit as possible. In this photo, you can see the fear in his face as he clamors for cover under the tallest tree in the area.
Edi is more reliable than the US Postal Service! Rain, sleet, snow or possible shock treatment was not going to keep him away from his mission!
Finally, we see a relieved Edi posing under the same tree after completing the job! (We would expect no less from a man who, only last week, jumped out of a perfectly good airplane (while it was in the air, no less) to celebrate his grandson Cody’s birthday. (Both grandpa and Cody landed safely)